There is this thing in casting called “the other way to go”. I.E….I show up to an audition and the room is full of blonde barbies.
What the frig am I doing here???
I start to panic, they can’t possibly want a brunette with a dry sense of humor and just the slightest little chip on her shoulder…. 😉
Instead of freaking out as sometimes happens, I try to remind myself that I am “the other way to go”.
The not so obvious casting choice and often the more interesting one.
Sloane (pictured above) is a classic example of this. Another good example…Winona Ryder in Heathers, who the powers that be originally thought was not “pretty enough” for the role.

Want to hear a terribly true life story that happened to yours truly? I was once told by a casting director, who was auditioning me for “a pretty girl” role in a big movie that he just didn’t think I was “the girl that all the guys jerked off to in high school.”

Dude actually said this to me in the room!

Hahahahahahahaha. Can you believe??? Best part is…the casting director was gay! Yes this sucked but it was also such a ridiculous thing to say I just had to laugh. Moral of the story, I’m slowly learning to be happy just being myself. Although the process actors go through could beat the self-confidence right out of anyone. Someday someone will want something different and I will be there…the other way to go.